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The Narrow Road to the Deep North의 표지 이미지

The Narrow Road to the Deep North

Richard Flanagan 지음
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group 펴냄

One of the best novels I've read - a love story over time and an historical heart-breaking inside view of the torture of the Australian prisoners building the infamous Burma Line. The extra kick comes near the end where we follow the hero back to Australia BUT also the camp commander and the brutal Korean 'ganger' back to their post-war lives , such as they are ! Great story, insightful humanity,
excellent writing - it's a WOW

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It's difficult writing a negative review of this book. I can tell that Siri Hustvedt's heart is in it and that I must applaud. Unfortunately, it's the more intellectual aspect that takes command. This will, I believe, divorce many potential readers from the book and it's for these people that I post a two star review as a warning.

Too much of this book was a labor for me. I'm no dummy. At least, I don't think I am. I have a BA from San Jose State and did well enough in philosophy. But at my age, I find references to Kierkegard and the many art and culture references distracting and interfering with my emotional response to the novel.

The Blazing World

시리 허스트베트 지음
Simon & Schuster 펴냄

2014년 10월 31일
crowinator님의 프로필 이미지



An incredibly original creative foray for the novel. Far more complex than a write your own adventure. I like the influence of choice from the different starting points to the views criss crossing between the 1400s and the 2012s. A book that makes you reflect and re examine what you believe and why you formed that view. The stories were both engaging and in their moments. The history of a 1400 fresco painter on commission who believed he should have been paid more was contemporary. The grief in the young girl from today was grief no different to grief from the 1400s. How to be both is the lesson in the ned, the ned to be both is ever there.

How to be both

Ali Smith 지음
Penguin UK 펴냄

2014년 10월 31일

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